Amy Krause Testimony
The following real life story is from Amy Krause in her own words and is shared with you to give glory to God. He is real. He is good and He is still doing miracles.
I feel like I am this prodigy of your sermons the last few weeks. You have been talking about our testimony, our part of God’s story, and how we are to share about it. How we are to look for miracles and see how God is working- that the only miracles are not in the Bible, but are happening every day. That we are to LIVE out the faith we claim to have.
I mentioned to you in my last email that God has taken Erik and I places we would have never imagined and asked us to do things I would have never dreamed of. I didn’t want to launch into the whole story as you poor thing, have no idea who we are and I didn’t want to come barreling in….however, God keeps nudging me and I’m beginning to realize that He won’t stop until I chose to obey. So, the latest miracle in the Krause household….
I was trying to pretend in the service Sunday morning that I didn’t hear God speaking those words from your announcement in my ear. I was trying to get Liza situated and listening out of one ear to your announcement, when you repeated what was going to be prayed for at the prayer service that night when I felt like God was speaking those words right into my ear. I disregarded it, not considering going to a prayer meeting at a church that we had only begun to go to. Following the service at lunch that day, Erik told me that Ned was talking about going, but wasn’t sure if he’d go and that I should call him and ask him to go with me. I told him I was too much of a wimp to do that- we hadn’t been going to the church long enough to go. Of course I call Dena to relay this conversation and she told me she had just had the SAME conversation with Ned- that she had told Ned that he should call me and go with me. I figured if I could pray about getting well from home and it wasn’t working, what would make it work if I went to this service. I also wondered if I went and someone told me I was healed and go home (like it happened in the Bible all the time), would I walk out of there believing that?? Finally I confessed to her that I had already had this whole conversation with myself and that I couldn’t believe I was willing to outright disobey God and NOT GO because of my insecurity. She told me that she wondered what God had planned that wasn’t going to happen because someone wasn’t going to go that night…..Before our conversation was over, Ned yelled out that he would see me at 5 pm.
I prayed against my doubt the entire drive over to the building- knowing that for sure this prayer thing would never work because of this doubt. I knew in my heart that this was going to be a significant event in my relationship with God because He was asking me to step out in faith- I kept hearing that phrase you had preached about living out what I have been worshipping Him for….even writing this email is a huge act of obedience as I am fighting off the lies that are telling me you are going to think I am some crazy gal coming in with this crazy story!
I told Ned when we were walking in that I was sure I had pneumonia and this sinus infection because I was so beat down, but that I wasn’t going to ask for prayer twice- once for physical and another for emotional- I was just going to go for the physical healing.
After literally shaking in my little flip flops as I went and plopped my chair in the middle of the group, the gal that came to pray for me (you’ll have to tell me her name because I can’t remember what she told me- she is this little bit of a thing with a tall white husband, they have 4 kids….) was incredible. She asked what to pray for, I told her I had had pneumonia and a sinus infection I couldn’t shake. As she started praying, I felt this warmth flood in from the top of my head, wash all the way down through my toes. Then she bent down and says to me that the Lord had told her I wasn’t sleeping at night- she asked if I’d had trouble sleeping. At this point, I had tears streaming down my face because God was so good- telling this woman what I was too insecure to put out there… I had JUST started taking Melatonin at night because I’d been waking up for hours at night! She asked if I was carrying a burden and told me the Lord wanted to take that burden, that it wasn’t for me to carry. She asked me what it was. I told her yes, I was in fact beat down emotionally.
So back to praying she went. Behind me, Dani Jamie reached over me and turned my hands palm up and lifted them up…encouraging me to lift it up, let it go. The same warmth that had washed through me, came back up from my toes and out my hands, taking that burden with it.
It was an amazing experience…and to think, I was willing to disobey God’s prompting and miss out on this, which He had planned for me, I cringe to think about it. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit’s continual prompting and for the prayer team’s obedience in preparing for this time.
I feel like I am this prodigy of your sermons the last few weeks. You have been talking about our testimony, our part of God’s story, and how we are to share about it. How we are to look for miracles and see how God is working- that the only miracles are not in the Bible, but are happening every day. That we are to LIVE out the faith we claim to have.
I mentioned to you in my last email that God has taken Erik and I places we would have never imagined and asked us to do things I would have never dreamed of. I didn’t want to launch into the whole story as you poor thing, have no idea who we are and I didn’t want to come barreling in….however, God keeps nudging me and I’m beginning to realize that He won’t stop until I chose to obey. So, the latest miracle in the Krause household….
I was trying to pretend in the service Sunday morning that I didn’t hear God speaking those words from your announcement in my ear. I was trying to get Liza situated and listening out of one ear to your announcement, when you repeated what was going to be prayed for at the prayer service that night when I felt like God was speaking those words right into my ear. I disregarded it, not considering going to a prayer meeting at a church that we had only begun to go to. Following the service at lunch that day, Erik told me that Ned was talking about going, but wasn’t sure if he’d go and that I should call him and ask him to go with me. I told him I was too much of a wimp to do that- we hadn’t been going to the church long enough to go. Of course I call Dena to relay this conversation and she told me she had just had the SAME conversation with Ned- that she had told Ned that he should call me and go with me. I figured if I could pray about getting well from home and it wasn’t working, what would make it work if I went to this service. I also wondered if I went and someone told me I was healed and go home (like it happened in the Bible all the time), would I walk out of there believing that?? Finally I confessed to her that I had already had this whole conversation with myself and that I couldn’t believe I was willing to outright disobey God and NOT GO because of my insecurity. She told me that she wondered what God had planned that wasn’t going to happen because someone wasn’t going to go that night…..Before our conversation was over, Ned yelled out that he would see me at 5 pm.
I prayed against my doubt the entire drive over to the building- knowing that for sure this prayer thing would never work because of this doubt. I knew in my heart that this was going to be a significant event in my relationship with God because He was asking me to step out in faith- I kept hearing that phrase you had preached about living out what I have been worshipping Him for….even writing this email is a huge act of obedience as I am fighting off the lies that are telling me you are going to think I am some crazy gal coming in with this crazy story!
I told Ned when we were walking in that I was sure I had pneumonia and this sinus infection because I was so beat down, but that I wasn’t going to ask for prayer twice- once for physical and another for emotional- I was just going to go for the physical healing.
After literally shaking in my little flip flops as I went and plopped my chair in the middle of the group, the gal that came to pray for me (you’ll have to tell me her name because I can’t remember what she told me- she is this little bit of a thing with a tall white husband, they have 4 kids….) was incredible. She asked what to pray for, I told her I had had pneumonia and a sinus infection I couldn’t shake. As she started praying, I felt this warmth flood in from the top of my head, wash all the way down through my toes. Then she bent down and says to me that the Lord had told her I wasn’t sleeping at night- she asked if I’d had trouble sleeping. At this point, I had tears streaming down my face because God was so good- telling this woman what I was too insecure to put out there… I had JUST started taking Melatonin at night because I’d been waking up for hours at night! She asked if I was carrying a burden and told me the Lord wanted to take that burden, that it wasn’t for me to carry. She asked me what it was. I told her yes, I was in fact beat down emotionally.
So back to praying she went. Behind me, Dani Jamie reached over me and turned my hands palm up and lifted them up…encouraging me to lift it up, let it go. The same warmth that had washed through me, came back up from my toes and out my hands, taking that burden with it.
It was an amazing experience…and to think, I was willing to disobey God’s prompting and miss out on this, which He had planned for me, I cringe to think about it. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit’s continual prompting and for the prayer team’s obedience in preparing for this time.