Monday, March 04, 2013

Day Thirteen Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

Ephesians 5:22-33 is the go-to passage in the Bible about marriage and what makes it work. Two thousand years later, we have volumes of data to support the truth of this passage. Men want to be respected. Women want to be loved. As important and clear as this passage of Scripture is on the topic of husband's and wive's roles in marriage, it also makes this bold statement, "This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church." There is more at stake with marriage beyond men and women and the families they create. Marriage is first and foremost about our relationship with God. If we don't get marriage right, how can we understand God? One of the reasons God made us to marry was so that we could understand the trinity, how to yield, how to be transparent and how to love deeply. Without marriage, our understanding of God would diminish greatly.

Day Twelve Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

Marriage is the normal expectation of Americans of all ages. The vast majority of us will choose to marry if given the chance. This, despite the incredible number of marriages that fail. So, what is the state of marriage in these United States? Check out this link from the Barna Group(copy and paste the following link into your browser bar and press "enter")