Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 7 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

Making a List

Prayer is the tool God gave us to prepare the hearts of those we know to receive the good news. If you decided to plant a garden in your back yard, where would you put it? Before you could plant seeds you’d need to choose the right spot where the sun is plentiful and there is access to water. You wouldn’t want people to walk through it so it would be out of the walking path. Before you can till the soil, you need to choose the area in your yard. Evangelism prayers are much the same. Before you can begin praying, you need to define the soil that you are softening.

We do this by making a list. Who has God placed near you? Who comes to mind when you ask God to give you names? Just like it would be too much to turn your entire yard, front and back, into a garden, you will want to make the list small enough that you can manage it. You can always add to it later. Write down the names on the computer, your phone or on paper and then visit it every day at least once. Next time we’ll talk about what to pray. For now, make sure you have your list.