Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day Twenty-Nine Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

As unto the Lord. One of the ways we worship God is through kindness and respect for people who don't deserve either. God tells us to obey our boss as if we were obeying Jesus Christ. He effectively removes the obstacles that we allow to keep us from obeying by telling us that the boss might be a poor one, but he was placed there by God and as an opportunity for us to build character and demonstrate faith. God's will for you is not that you are always happy, but that you are always growing and maturing in your relationship with Him and with others. Next time your boss is on your last nerve, remember, anyone can hate annoying behavior, but only in Christ can we love the unlovely.

Day Twenty-Eight Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

Why did God put you in the particular place where you work? Have you ever considered that your work place is one of the greatest opportunities for other people to see your life and testimony? Most of us spend more time at work than any other place during the week. The work environment lends its self to relationship building as common tasks are completed and obstacles are overcome. We are able to see each other handle success and face failure. I can't think of a better mission field than the place where you work. Live your faith out loud. No one likes a big talker, but an honest, hard-working, self-sacrificing person of faith is an asset to everyone. Bring your passion and faith to work with a heavy dose of humility and grace and you will find that your place of work is a vocation more than an occupation. The amount of money you make and the fulfillment you find in your job will pale in comparison to the joy you have in seeing eternal life change in your co-workers.