Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 35 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

Altar Call

So, do altar calls really work? I’ve met many people over the years who began their relationship with Jesus after responding to an altar call. In fact, on the day I write this I am reminded that I had the opportunity to lead three people to Christ today that responded to a call from the pulpit to trust Christ. Pastor Glenn Cole, who are have deep respect for, has been a very successful pastor in our City for several decades. Recently he shared with a group of pastors seven things he’s learned over the years and one of them was that he always ends each service with an altar call. If people are not given an opportunity to respond to the Word of God, then the preacher has not finished preaching. What do you think of altar calls. Should they be done every week? Are they an effective way to share the gospel? Should they be repeat after me style or meet with a person who will explain things one on one? Should they raise their hand or come to the front? Should they just come up after the service and let you know they prayed?