Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 34 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

Easter Sunday

O.K. so your neighbors and co-workers don’t go to church on Easter. What does it feel like to hear about Easter and know that it’s a really big deal around the world and yet not understand why? I’d like to hear from some of you who could answer that question from experience. I was raised in the Church and we always celebrated Easter and Christmas as special times of remembrance. But what does it feel like when Easter is only about frilly dresses and plastic eggs and a bunny that brings them? Where did the idea of eggs and bunnies come from? It seems a bit empty to make such a big deal over the commercialized version of Christmas and Easter. Do non-church attenders feel a curiosity about why these holidays are so important to Christians? It is the story of Jesus death and resurrection that make all of life make sense. It’s how we understand the brokenness that is all around us and even inside us. It’s also the hope that the cycle of brokenness will one day have a happy ending when Jesus sets everything right again. Is it possible that inviting a friend, neighbor or co-worker to Church this Easter is just what they are waiting for?

Day 33 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

Invites to Events

Is it easier to invite someone to accept Christ or to invite someone to Church? What about inviting them to join you on a service project to care for those in need? Sometimes inviting people to come to Jesus is as simple as inviting them to see the Body of Christ at work. Whether you invite someone to join in a church service or community service they will have an opportunity to see and hear the gospel if they will just come. For decades Billy Graham was famous for holding crusades where thousands would come to hear him boldly declare a gospel message. Why didn’t these people just share the gospel with their friends? Why did they drive all the way to a stadium where Billy told them about Jesus? One of the easiest ways to share Jesus with a friend is to bring them to a place where the gospel will be preached.