Friday, March 22, 2013

Day Thirty-One Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

How much time and energy does your work deserve? There is nothing biblical about a 40 hour work week? This was a man-made condition that is relatively new to the world. For much of recorded history people worked long, hard hours. To this very day, many around the world still do. Becoming a workaholic is almost celebrated in American society. Many companies openly expect or reward their employees for working long hours, always answering their phones and giving their best energy and ideas at work. It feels good to be rewarded for a job well done. Respect comes with achievement and financial success. It is extremely important to remember that relationships suffer when neglected. How much time and energy does your work deserve? Never more than you have to give. If your phone is keeping you from right relationships with your spouse, your kids, your friends or your church, it's too much. Are you getting time away from work to spend on relationships? Do you take time for yourself, your exercise and good eating habits? It's a good and godly thing to work hard. It's a big mistake to work too much.

Day Thirty Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

According to the bible, you are to honor and respect your boss as you would honor and respect Jesus. But what should you do when your boss asks you to do something dishonest? Is it better to obey your boss, or your conscience? Does God overlook your dishonesty if it was done in obedience to your boss? In Acts chapter 4 verses 18-20 we read the response of the apostles to the Sanhedrin which was the religious governing body of the Jews in the first century. Because they opposed the preaching about salvation in Jesus name the apostles were ordered by authority of the counsel to stop immediately. "Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." When you must choose between God's authority and human authority, clearly it is wise to choose God. This should never be an excuse to take the easy way but rather a command to take the right way.