Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 2 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

Day 2
So, what is evangelism according to the bible? The Greek word, “euangelion,” literally translated means, “good news.” It’s a combination of two Greek words, εὔ = "good", ἀγγέλλω = "I bring a message"; the word, “angel,” which means messenger is of the same root.

As with many things, evangelism has taken on a meaning of it’s own throughout the years that is often quite different than its actual meaning. To a large extent it is a wonderful biblical word that has been polluted by misuse and abuse. Many think evangelism means converting people. But this is totally absent from the true meaning.

Evangelism means sharing good news. Specifically, the good news of the substitutionary death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in our place. Through His death He paid the penalty for the sins of mankind so that we can once again be in right relationship with our Creator who is the source of life. Specifically, we are talking about eternal life in terms of quality and quantity. By giving our life to God we are promised He will give us not only a better life, but an incredibly beautiful life without end.

Evangelism is the process of passing on or delivering that message to others. You have been evangelized if you have heard the good news. Whether you choose to agree with it goes beyond the scope of evangelism.