Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Proposed Constitution for Restoration Life


This document is the Church Constitution of Restoration Life of Sacramento, California, a California non-profit religious organization.

Statement of Faith:

The Bible
We believe that the Bible, Old and New Testaments, is the verbally inspired Word of God, completely without error in the original writings, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it is the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

The Trinity
We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit, and that these are equal in every divine perfection, and that they execute distinct but harmonious offices in the work of creation, history, providence, and redemption.

God the Father
We believe in God, the Father, an infinite personal spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, and love. We believe that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of each person, that He hears and answers prayer, and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ, eternally existent in the second person of the Trinity, God’s only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people, and personal visible return to earth.

The Holy Spirit
We believe in the eternal Holy Spirit who came forth from the Father and the Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify, and empower all who believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Christ, and that He is an abiding helper, teacher and guide.

The Total Depravity of Man
We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but that through Adam's sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God. In this state, man is totally depraved and of himself utterly unable to remedy his lost condition.

We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice and therefore are under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.

The Church
We believe in the universal church, a living spiritual body of which Christ is the head and all regenerated persons are members. We believe in the local church, baptized on a credible confession of faith, and associated for worship, work and fellowship. We believe that God has laid upon the members of the local church the primary task of giving the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost world.

Christian Conduct
We believe that Christians should live for the glory of God and the well-being of others in all facets of life; that their conduct should be blameless before the world; that they should be faithful stewards of their possessions; and that they should seek to realize for themselves and others the full stature of maturity in Christ.

The Ordinances
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has committed two ordinances to the local church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We believe that baptism is by water and we practice immersion. We believe that the Lord’s Supper was instituted by Christ for commemoration of His death and redeeming work on the cross. We believe that these two ordinances should be observed and administered until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Local Church Cooperation
We believe in the autonomy of the local churches, free of any external authority and control. However, we believe that the local church can best promote the cause of Jesus Christ by cooperating with other churches in an organization, denomination or network. Such organizations or networks exist and function by the will of the churches involved. Cooperation in a conference is voluntary and may be terminated at any time. Churches may likewise cooperate with interdenominational fellowships on a voluntary basis. However, all ongoing, formal cooperation will not in any way compromise the commitment or ability of Restoration Life to teach and promote its own doctrine.

The Last Things
We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth and the establishment of His kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, the eternal joy of the righteous, and the endless suffering of the wicked.

Mission Statement:
Go into the Community, Show them God is Alive, Grow them into Disciples

In accordance with the Great Commission recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, this Church shall be committed to an outward focus towards those who are not yet followers of Jesus Christ. While congregational care of regular participants shall not be neglected, outreach to others who are outside or new to the Church shall be given higher priority in the budgeting, staffing and scheduling of Church activities. Thus the mission of this Church is to make new disciples and welcome them into a congregation that is healthy, growing, and multiplying through the planting of other congregations with the same mission.

Core Values:

1. God's Word is our authority
We believe that the Bible is the Divinely Inspired Word of God and that it holds the key to understanding the purpose of life.
2. People First—Programs Second
All the programs and ministries of Restoration Life are designed to serve people and help them to discover God’s truth. Programs that don’t accomplish this purpose need to be refocused.
3. Movement Mentality - Going, Showing, Growing
We are not a group. We are a movement. Restoration Life is not a place to get comfortable, but a place to get equipped. We want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our community, help new Christians grow in their faith and knowledge of God’s Word, and then go out into the community to share the same message with others.
4. Win the Right to be heard - Cultural Relevance
We believe that in order to be heard we must earn the right by going to our community on their turf and speaking in a language they understand. We are committed to showing our love before sharing our heart. This includes meeting the very real needs and answering the tough questions with humility and honesty.
5. Networking—we all work for the same boss
We are committed to learning from and working with others whenever possible within our community. To this end we will seek out partnerships and teamwork with other Christian groups in the area as we seek to work together to the glory of God.
6. Cross-Pollination - bringing in new perspectives
It is healthy for the church to have people from many different backgrounds all working together. This increases our perspective, our talent pool and our creativity.
7. Servant Leadership - leading is a privilege
We believe that leaders demonstrate their calling by serving. Leaders don’t focus on telling others what to do, they show them.
8. Major on the majors, not the minors - Balance not extremes
Some things God’s Word makes absolutely clear, and church history reinforces it. Other things are left to interpretation. Within the Body of Christ there is liberty on those doctrines that are not central. Meanwhile, there is unity on the essentials. If God’s Word doesn’t make it clear, we refuse to break fellowship over it.
9. Prayer - No prayer, No point
Prayer is God’s prescription for releasing His power and purpose into our offering. When God’s people pray, they invite God to do what He is already committed to doing. Without prayer, it is not possible to change a single life.


Restoration Life, Sacramento shall be an affiliated member of Growing Healthy Churches (GHC). As such, this Church shall participate in training and support programs, practice tithing of its income, and help promote the regional ministry of GHC. This membership shall be a voluntary, covenant relationship among likeminded congregations that remain legally autonomous while interdependent in mission.

Membership Expectations:

The Congregation of Restoration Life, Sacramento shall consist of believers in Jesus Christ who make the following commitments:
(a) To participate regularly in worship and training of the Church in order to grow in their faith.
(b) To serve faithfully in the ministries and outreach activities of the Church.
(c) To support the mission of the Church and the leadership needed to accomplish that mission.
(d) To seek resolution of differences in the Church privately and graciously, as Scripture requires.
(e) To give sacrificially to the financial costs of achieving the mission of the Church.

The Congregation shall be considered Church Members as defined above as provided in the California Corporations Code (CCC 9330, 9511 – 12). Membership shall entail no definitions, rights, or responsibilities other than those explicitly stated in this document.

Membership Process:

Any person may be received into membership of this church, upon the recommendation of the Lead Pastor or his delegate, by any one of the following acts:

a. Professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, giving evidence of a change of heart; or
b. Presenting a letter of transfer from another Church holding like faith and practice; or
c. Making a request for restoration, after having accepted the aims and ideals of this church as expressed in this document and making suitable enlistment for worship, service and giving.

REMOVAL FROM MEMBERSHIP ROLL: On an annual basis, the Staff shall review the Church membership. It shall recommend that those members who have not made contact with the church during the previous year, by attendance or financial support, be removed from the active roll. Prior to such removal, the member shall be notified by letter and/or visitation. Members who are home-bound or physically limited shall be exempted from this review.

Congregational Voting:

The following decisions of the Church shall require the approval of the Congregation by a two-thirds vote (except as noted below) of those Members who are at least 18 years of age, present and voting.
(a) Selecting Elders to serve on the Elder Board ( )
(b) Approval of the annual budget in broad categories (simple majority)
(c) Amending the Constitution
(d) Calling or dismissing the Senior Pastor
(e) Dismissal of a member (simple majority)
(f) Change of denominational affiliation / association (simple majority)
(g) Purchasing or selling Church facilities

The Congregation shall be given at least two (2) weeks notice of any vote by announcement at regular services and by electronic and postal mail. If a vote is taken at a meeting, votes may be cast by verbal means, visual indication such as raising of hands, or in writing. Thirty–five (35) current Members or 35% of the membership, whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum. No abstentions or votes by proxy shall be counted. The Board, at its discretion, may also bring to the Congregation decisions not listed above for a vote of approval or an expression of affirmation. Meetings of the Congregation for voting shall occur as needed when called by either the Board or the Lead Pastor, or under special circumstances as noted below, by the congregation.

Members of the congregation may directly call a meeting of the congregation for voting by means of a written, signed, petition of 50% of the congregation, or 50 members, whichever is less. Under this circumstance, a quorum for voting is 50% of the congregation or 50 members, whichever is less.

Organizational Structure:

It is the purpose of this Constitution to provide a stable and effective organizational structure to aid this Church in accomplishing its mission. The following sections specify a model that keeps the roles of Lead Pastor, Elder Board, Staff and Congregation distinct and effective for church health, church growth and church multiplication. These policies shall be reviewed as needed for any changes to the structure that may increase the effectiveness of the Pastor, Board and the Church.
(a) The primary role of the Members shall be to implement the vision and strategies of the Church.
(b) The role of the Board is to establish Board Policy and Board Policy Principles for the Pastor’s leadership.
(c) The role of the Pastor is to lead the Church to accomplish its mission.
(d) The role of the Staff is to manage the ministries of the Church, and to lead, teach and mentor lay leaders, as directed by the Pastor.

Elder Board Selection:

The Elder Board (Board) shall consist of no more than 9 Elders, including the Lead Pastor, who shall always, automatically be a member of the Board. It is preferable, whenever possible, to have an odd number of Elders to avoid tie votes in the decision making process. No more than 49% of the Board may be filled by paid Staff. The Elders shall be active male Church Members selected for one-year terms by the following process:
(a) The Elder Board will serve as the nominating committee.
(b) Any active Member of the Church may submit to the nominating committee during the nomination period, a signed letter to recommend a potential Elder of good character, spiritual maturity and commitment to the mission and vision of the Church.
(c) An annual congregational meeting shall be held at which the nominating committee shall present to the Congregation for approval a selection of candidates that it deems qualified to serve as Elders.
(d) Elected Elders must successfully complete a training course taught by the Lead Pastor covering the mission, structure, and the vision of the Church.
(e) Both incoming and existing Elders will be held to the Biblical qualifications as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-13. At any time, if one or more of these qualifications are not evident in the conduct or life of an Elder, it is expected that that Elder will resign or be removed until such time as he is able to fulfill these qualifications to the satisfaction of the remaining Elder Board.
(f) Members of the Elder Board shall consist of men only, in accordance with the Scriptures.
(g) The one-year terms will begin June 1st and end May 31st.

Each Elder may serve a maximum of three consecutive annual terms and may serve again after a break of one year or more. Immediate family members of the Pastor, the Staff or of other Elders shall not serve on the same Elder Board. The term of an Elder may be vacated either by resignation or by action of the Board. The remainder of a vacated term shall be filled by a member recommended by the Lead Pastor and approved by the Board; this partial term shall not be counted toward the limit of three consecutive terms.

Elder Board Role:

The primary ministry role of the Board shall include:
(a) Preserving the doctrine of the Church as defined in the Preamble of the Constitution
(b) Shepherding the Congregation through prayer, support, scriptural application, and nurturing.
(c) Maintaining healthy, regular participation in the body life and ministries of the church, as servant leaders.

The primary organizational role of the Board shall be to provide accountability and support for the Pastor through the Board Policy Principles in three categories:
(a) Mission Principles define for the Pastor what ends the Church exists to achieve.
(b) Boundary Principles define for the Pastor what means may not be used in pursuit of achieving those ends.
(c) Accountability Principles define for the Board how it is to monitor the Pastor’s compliance with the Board Policy Principles.

The Lead Pastor is responsible for leading the church within these principles and boundaries as monitored by the Board. The Board Policy Principles are guidelines and are not intended to restrict the Lead Pastor’s or Staff’s ability to shepherd the church in accomplishing objectives, strategies and plans consistent with the mission and vision of the Church. In matters that require Board action, the Board shall consider proposed matters in light of Board Policy Principles, and if found consistent with those principles, approve reasonable actions recommended by the Pastor. Action of the Board shall be by simple majority of all Elders, present and voting; in the case of a tie, the Lead Pastor will cast a second, deciding vote. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for action by the Board. Board meetings shall occur at least quarterly and at other special times as needed. All Board members shall be given notice at least 48 hours in advance of every special Board meeting by electronic, verbal, or written means. However, such notice may be waived by unanimous consent. Minutes of all meetings of the Board shall be taken and placed in the Church Office as part of the official records.

Church Officers:

Each year the Elders shall elect a Moderator, Church Clerk and Treasurer. These three officers shall be the official officers of the Church under State law. These officers need not be Elders. The Moderator shall take the lead in facilitating the Elder Board meetings. The Church Clerk shall maintain the official records of the Church, prepare minutes of all business meetings of the Church and Board, and maintain and distribute the current edition of the Board Policy Principles and other documents.
The Church Clerk and Moderator shall sign legal documents on behalf of the Corporation in compliance with the Board Policy Principles established by the Board, obtaining congregational approval when required. The Treasurer is responsible for fiscal records and cash management within acceptable accounting practices. The Treasurer shall oversee the disbursement of funds in accordance with the budget approved by the Congregation. If the budget requires adjustment in the major categories, the Treasurer shall present such financial details to the Board and Congregation for approval. The Treasurer shall provide the Board with Quarterly reports and the Congregation with an Annual Report.

Lead Pastor Role:

The role of the Lead Pastor is to model the Church’s core values, establish and communicate the Church’s vision, and develop strategy to accomplish the Church’s mission. The Lead Pastor is ultimately responsible for the programs and activities of the Church in accordance with the Board Policy Principles. The Pastor shall report the activities of Staff to the Board and shall lead the Board in discussions concerning the Mission and Vision of the Church. The Pastor shall lead the Staff and its management of all Church operations to accomplish its Mission. The Pastor shall lead the Congregation by teaching biblical truth, casting vision, and advancing the mission of the Church. With regard to job retention and approval of major decisions, the Pastor shall be accountable to the Elder Board. The Pastor shall hire, direct, compensate, and dismiss any and all Church Staff in accordance with the Board’s adopted Board Policy Principles and the Church’s Personnel Manual. The Lead Pastor shall be a voting member of the Elder Board and all committees. It is also expected that the Lead Pastor represent this church to the associated organizations, other local churches and the community.

Church Staff:

A Staff person appointed by the Lead Pastor shall manage each assigned area of Church operation as deemed necessary to fulfill the vision of Restoration Life. The authority of Staff members is an extension of that delegated by the Lead Pastor. The Lead Pastor is responsible for all that the Staff does or fails to do. Staff positions shall be created, filled, vacated or discontinued based on how effectively they accomplish designated parts of the Mission Principles within the limits allowed by the Board Policy Principles. All such decisions are the responsibility and prerogative of the Lead Pastor, acting within the approved budget, who must answer to the Board for the effectiveness of the Staff.

Team Leaders / Deacons:

Section 1. Team Leaders serve in the biblical role as Deacons and operate as pastoral assistants to the Lead Pastor or his designated representative. They are provided for in God's Word for the ministering to the needs of the local congregation and the practical demonstration of Christian love. Deacons may be men or women who maintain the qualifications expressed in 1 Timothy 3:8 13.

Section 2. The Lead Pastor or his designated representative shall assign Deacons to specific tasks or ministry leadership for a length of time deemed appropriate. They shall minister to the body in their assigned tasks under the general authority of the Lead Pastor or his designated representative, in agreement with God's Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Lead Pastor selection process and appointment of Staff:

Section 1. The Lead Pastor shall be recommended by a Search Committee to the membership, and then be elected by a two-thirds majority vote at a special meeting of the church called for that purpose. The Congregation shall be given at least two (2) weeks notice of the meeting. Salary shall be fixed at the time of election and may be changed at any regular business meeting thereafter upon recommendation of the Elder Board. The Lead Pastor shall be a member of this church and serve as ex-officio member of the Elder Board and all committees. All other ministers except the Lead Pastor may be appointed as needed by the Lead Pastor, with the approval of the Elder Board and subject to the availability of funds.

Section 2. When the position of Lead Pastor is vacated for any reason, the following process shall occur:

a. The Elder Board shall nominate a Search Committee to be elected by the church.
b. The Elder Board shall select and appoint an Interim Pastor. The compensation for the Interim Pastor shall be established within budgeted resources for the position.
c. It is understood that the office of Lead Pastor and Elder are required to be held by men according to the Scriptures.

Section 3. The services of the Senior Pastor may be terminated by the Elder Board, subject to Congregational approval (detailed below), provided that notice of such action be given in writing at least 30-days prior to the date of termination. Similarly, if the Lead Pastor should desire to terminate his employment, it is requested that he provide at least a 30-day advance notice to the Elder Board.
Action of the Elder Board to terminate the services of the Lead Pastor or to accept his resignation shall be subject to a two-thirds majority vote of the church membership at a called meeting. When a Lead Pastor is dismissed or resigns, the Elder Board may provide a severance package based on length of service and subject to the availability of funds.
The services of any other minister or Staff positions may be terminated by the Lead Pastor, provided a 30-day notice shall be given. No vote of the church membership is required.


Section 1. PROPERTY: The title of all property of this church shall be held in the name of Restoration Life of Sacramento, California, a Corporation: and in this name all obligations, contracts, conveyances and acts of every nature shall be executed.

Section 2. FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year shall be the calendar year.

Section 3. DISSOLUTION: In the event that Restoration Life of Sacramento no longer exists, any remaining assets will be freely given to the Growing Healthy Churches Network or another ministry that promotes the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in accordance with the Bible.

Limitation of Liability:

(a) Elders shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of the Church.
(b) To the extent that a person who is, or was, an Elder, officer, employee or other agent of the Church has been successful on the merits in defense of any civil, criminal, administrative or investigative proceeding brought to procure a judgment against such person by reason of the fact that he or she is, or was, an agent of the Church, or has been successful in defense of any claim, issue or matter, therein, such person shall be indemnified against expenses actually and reasonably incurred by the person in connection with such proceeding.
(c) If such person either settles any such claim or sustains a judgment against him or her, then indemnification against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements and other amounts reasonably incurred in connection with such proceedings shall be provided by this Church but only to the extent allowed by and in accordance with state law.
(d) The Board may adopt a policy in the Board Policy Principles authorizing the purchase and maintenance of insurance on behalf of any agent of the Church against any liability other than for violating provisions of law relating to self-dealing asserted against or incurred by the agent; in such capacity or arising out of the agent’s status as such, whether or not the Church would have the power to indemnify the agent against such liability under the provisions of state law.

Board Policy Principles:

Mission Principles

MP1.0 Comprehensive Mission Principle
Restoration Life of Sacramento exists to “Go into the Community, Show the God is Alive, and Grow them into Disciples.” To this end we will attempt always to invest in ministries that take the truth of the Bible to the community we serve. Ours is a “go and show” model of ministry rather than a “come and see” model.

It is our goal to continually invest in church planting through financial investment, personnel resources and encouragement through coaching, sharing ideas and resources whenever possible.

MP1.1. Communication
The Lead Pastor shall maintain multiple channels of communication that are effective and timely with respect to the general categories listed below:
(a) Unchurched persons who are within our field of ministry; (b) Visitors and prospective new members; (c) Leaders within our church, each of whom must be equipped with information relating to our church’s vision, mission and values, plus internal affairs, denominational concerns, and mission activities; (d) Interested members and non-members who have expressed a desire to receive the information about the church.

Boundary Principles

BP1.0 Comprehensive Boundary Statement
The Lead Pastor shall not cause or allow any practice, activity,
decision or organizational circumstance that is unbiblical, unlawful,
unethical or imprudent.

BP1.1 Biblical and Moral Integrity
With regard to the teaching, leadership, and membership of the church, the Lead Pastor shall uphold high standards of biblical teaching and morality. It is expected that the Lead Pastor be in accountability with another man in the church who is Elder qualified and can vouch for his spiritual vitality.
BP1.2 Financial Planning and Budgeting
Financial planning for any fiscal year or the remaining part of any fiscal year shall not deviate materially from the Board’s Mission Principles, risk financial jeopardy, or fail to be derived from a multiyear plan.
BP1.2.1 General Budgeting Process
Prior to the start of a new fiscal year, the Lead Pastor or delegate will meet with the Finance Team Leader to draft a proposed budget for the next year. That proposal will be presented to the Elder Board for review, revised if necessary, and then presented to the Congregation for approval.
BP1.2.2 Expenditures within Projected Funds
The Lead Pastor shall not allow budgeting that plans the expenditure in any fiscal year of more funds than are conservatively projected to be received in that period, unless special circumstances are adequately described and approved by the Board.
BP1.2.3 Debt
The Lead Pastor shall not allow the church to incur debt without express written consent from the Board.

BP1.3 Financial Condition and Activities
With respect to the actual ongoing financial conditions and activities of the church, the Lead Pastor shall not allow the development of fiscal jeopardy or a material deviation of actual expenditures from Board priorities established in Mission Principles.

BP1.3.1 Expenditures
The Lead Pastor shall not expend more funds than have been received and budgeted in the fiscal year to date.
BP1.3.2 Reimbursement for Church Members
(a) The Lead Pastor shall not withhold reimbursement from church individuals making purchases on behalf of the church for actual expenses incurred for more than thirty days, as long as funds are available and these requests are submitted in writing to the bookkeeper and contain the following:
1) pre-approval from the head of the department that purchases were made, and 2) accurate and proper receipts to accompany the request. Accurate and proper receipts means a statement of expense or similar record maintained by the Staff/member in which the information as to each element of an expenditure is recorded at or near the time of the expenditure.
BP1.3.3 Long-Term Reserves
The Lead Pastor shall not divert any dedicated reserves from their intended use.
BP1.3.4 Inter-fund Shifting
The Lead Pastor shall not conduct inter-fund shifting without team approval. Team leaders must notify the Finance Team of said transfer.
BP1.3.5 Payroll and Debt Settlement
The Lead Pastor shall settle payroll and debts in a timely manner.
BP1.3.6 Government Payments and Filings
The Lead Pastor shall not allow tax payments, if any, or other government-ordered payments or filings to be overdue or inaccurately filed.
BP1.3.7 Purchase Cap-
The Lead Pastor shall not make a single purchase of greater than 5% of the annual budget, aside from Staff and non-discretionary expenses.
BP1.3.8 Real Property
The Lead Pastor shall not acquire, encumber, or dispose of real property, without written consent of the Board.
BP1.3.9 Contracts
The Lead Pastor shall not allow the church to enter into contractual obligations that it cannot realistically fulfill.

BP1.4 Asset Protection
The Lead Pastor shall not allow the assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained, or unnecessarily risked.
BP1.4.1 Facilities and Equipment
The Lead Pastor shall not subject facilities and equipment to improper wear and tear or insufficient maintenance.
BP1.4.2 Liability
The Lead Pastor shall not unnecessarily expose the organization, its Board, or its Staff to claims of liability.
BP1.4.3 Auditor
The Lead Pastor shall not receive, process, or disburse funds under controls that are insufficient to meet the Board-appointed auditor’s standards.
BP1.4.4 Public Reputation
The Lead Pastor shall not endanger the organization’s public image or credibility, particularly in ways that would hinder its accomplishment of mission.
BP1.5 Treatment of Constituents
With respect to interactions with constituents or potential constituents, the Lead Pastor shall not cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decision that are unsafe, undignified, unnecessarily intrusive, or that fail to provide appropriate confidentiality or privacy.
BP1.6 Compensation and Benefits
With respect to employment, compensation, and benefits to employees, consultants, contract worker, and volunteers, the Board shall not cause or allow jeopardy to fiscal integrity or public image.

BP1.6.1 Lead Pastor Compensation
The Lead Pastor shall not change his or her own compensation and benefits.
BP1.6.2 Promise of Employment
The Lead Pastor shall not promise or imply permanent or guaranteed employment.
BP1.6.3 Market Value
The Lead Pastor shall not establish current compensation and benefits that deviate materially from the geographic or professional market for the skills employed.
BP1.6.4 Term of Compensation
The Lead Pastor shall not create compensation obligations over a longer term than revenues can be safely projected, in no event longer than one year, and in all events subject to losses in revenue.
BP1.6.5 Fairness of Benefits
The Lead Pastor shall not establish or change health or pension benefits so as to cause unpredictable or inequitable situations.
BP1.7 Treatment of Staff
With respect to the treatment of paid and volunteer Staff, the Lead Pastor may not cause or allow conditions that are unfair, disrespectful or undignified.
BP1.7.1 Confidentiality of Staff/Employee Information
The Lead Pastor shall not allow the unauthorized distribution of confidential personnel and Staff salary information with the exception of the Board, Church Treasurer, Church Accountants, and auditors.
BP1.7.2 Personnel Policies
The Lead Pastor shall provide staff with a working description of their duties and an annual review of such.
BP1.7.3 Grievance
The Lead Pastor shall not prevent Staff from expressing a grievance to the Board when both of the following conditions are met:
a) The supervisory procedures of the Lead Pastor have been exhausted, including informal talks and a formal supervisory conference with documentation.
b) The person alleges in a written application either that the boundary principles of the Board have been violated to his or her detriment or that the boundary principles do not adequately protect his or her human rights.
BP1.7.4 Notice
The Lead Pastor shall acquaint all Staff personnel with their rights according to these principles.
BP1.8 Communication and Support to the Board
The Lead Pastor shall not permit the Board to be uninformed or unsupported in its work.

Accountability Principles

AP1.0 Comprehensive Accountability Principle
The responsibility of the Elder Board before God is to see that Restoration Life of Sacramento, through the leadership of its Pastor, achieves its Mission Principles without violating its Boundary Principles.
AP1.1 Disciplining the Process of the Elder Board
The Elder Board shall conduct itself with discipline and integrity with regard to its own process of governance.

AP1.1.1 Board Style
The Board will govern with an emphasis on (1) outward vision rather than internal preoccupation, (2) strategic leadership more than administrative detail, (3) clear distinction between Board and Staff roles, (4) collective rather than individual decisions, (5) future focus rather than past or present, and (6) proactivity rather than reactivity.
AP1.1.2 Board Responsibility
The three essential responsibilities of the Board are to provide ministry and protection to the people served as well as the staff, define guiding principles, and monitor the performance of the Lead Pastor for the purpose of admonishing or encouraging him as the case may be.
AP1.1.3 Board Member Code of Conduct
The Board commits itself and its members to the following code of conduct:
a) Each Board member is expected to be a mature believer in Jesus Christ and a member of the church who embodies all the Biblical principles of 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:6-9; be fully committed to the, mission, vision and core values of the church; be supportive of the Lead Pastor; be involved in ministry in the church; be a regular attendee of church services; and be a tither to the church—or commits to do so.
b) Members of the Board must represent unconflicted loyalty to the interests of Jesus Christ regarding those whom He has called His church to serve (Matthew 18:19-20). This loyalty supersedes any personal or group interest among internal or outside consumers of the church’s services. A member must disclose any fiduciary conflict of interest and withdraw from any decision-making affected by it.
c) Members of the Board must honor the principles and decisions of the Board acting as a whole. They may not foster dissent or attempt to exercise individual authority over the Staff or the organization except as explicitly stated in the Guiding Principles.
d) Members of the Board must respect the confidentiality of sensitive Board issues and must avoid facilitating gossip or other “triangulation” against the practice of direct, biblical resolution
AP1.1.4 Responsibility of the Moderator for Integrity of Process
The Moderator assures the integrity and fulfillment of the Board’s process by leading the Board in undertaking its responsibilities. The Moderator is authorized to use any reasonable interpretation of the Accountability Principles as he acts to ensure the integrity of the Board’s process.

AP1.1.5 Responsibility of the Lead Pastor for Visionary Leadership
The Lead Pastor has the responsibility, authority, and accountability to serve as the primary and visionary leader of the church at every level: Congregation, Board, and Staff. With respect to the Board, the Pastor will lead the Board on all actions except those matters for which the Board is responsible. As to questions of process arising with regard to the Guiding Principles of the church, the Lead Pastor will defer to the judgment of the Moderator on the Board.
AP1.1.6 Use of Board Committees
Board committees, if used, will be assigned so as to reinforce the wholeness of the Board’s job and never to interfere with the delegation from the Board to the Lead Pastor or with the work of the Staff.
AP1.2 Monitoring the Performance of the Lead Pastor
AP1.2.1 Accountability of the Lead Pastor
The Board will hold the Lead Pastor accountable to the Guiding Principles while allowing the Lead Pastor to use reasonable and Spirit-directed interpretation of the principles.
AP1.2.2 Performance of the Lead Pastor
The Lead Pastor’s job performance will be reviewed annually according to the agreed upon expectations: church accomplishment of the Board’s Mission Principles, church operation within the Board’s Boundary Principles, and any other performance objectives agreed upon at the beginning of the year. It is the responsibility of the Board to do an annual assessment of the Lead Pastor’s compensation package. It is the role of the Lead Pastor to conduct annual performance reviews of all Staff.

Amendments to the Constitution:

Section 1. General: This Constitution may be amended at any regular or called meeting of the church by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided a quorum is present and voting. Proper notice of proposed changes shall be given at least two weeks before such meeting by placing the notice in the newsletter or by direct mail to the membership, if necessary, and by announcing the same from the pulpit at all services during each of said two weeks.

Section 2. Previous Constitution and Bylaws: This Constitution shall supersede all of the provisions of any previous Constitution, bylaws, or amendments thereto, provided, however, that all contracts, obligations, liabilities, and encumbrances heretofore entered into and incurred, shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 3. Effective Date: This Constitution shall be in full force and effect from the date of its adoption and last revision. This is the official Constitution as approved by the church.

Date Adopted: ___________________

Lead Pastor: _________________________________________

Elder: _________________________________________
