Friday, April 08, 2011

Day 25 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

Does the gospel fit in the context of social justice?

Who’s responsible for the social injustice of our world? Is it the government? Let’s hope not, because they have proven they don’t have the answer. Give us more money and we’ll provide more education they say. Do real answers even exist? Isn’t the Church the answer? But haven’t we proven we can’t do it either? We need an answer for today’s problems that works. The world was terribly broken two thousand years ago when Jesus walked the earth and yet He brought real hope through a social gospel the world had never before seen.

What is the social gospel? It’s a combination of the truth of saving faith through Jesus Christ and a genuine concern for the immediate and pressing needs of hurting people who are cut-off from the source of hope which is Jesus Christ. It’s a message that says, “Let me show you I love you before I tell you I love you.” When Jesus walked the earth He healed the sick and He also spoke the truth. Human relationships are built on much more than words. Deep relationship comes from actions and words combined into character.

Matthew 11:28-30 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

More than 70% of what we communicate is non-verbal. Talk is cheap. If we want to are going to communicate the gospel we will need to do more than talk. St. Francis of Assisi is famous for having said of the social gospel, “Preach the gospel at all times – if necessary use words.”

Day 24 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

The Gift of Evangelism

Ephesians 4:11, It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists.

All Christians are called to be witnesses and participate in Evangelism but some Christians have been given the gift of evangelism. Do you have this gift? The gift of evangelism is the ability and desire to boldly and clearly communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Evangelists often care passionately about lost people and have a strong desire to see them meet Jesus. They feel compassion for the lost and seek to earnestly understand their questions and doubts so that they can provide a compelling answer. An evangelist often prefers being with people in the culture rather than hanging out with Christians in the church.

Do you enjoy being with non-Christians and sharing the gospel?
Are you able to effectively communicate to non-Christians in a language they can understand?
Does a person's conversion bring you profound joy?
Do you feel frustrated when you haven't shared your faith for a while?
Do you enjoy teaching others how to share their faith?
Do you find it easy to direct a conversation toward the topic of Jesus Christ?