Saturday, April 02, 2011

Day 18 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

My Favorite Site

Several years ago I took a core class at Dallas Seminary that was simply called, Evangelism. As part of this class we were expected to read about it, practice it, write about it and discover how to teach others about what the Bible says about it. But the part of this class that stands out to me the most was when we had a guest speaker and fellow Dallas Seminary graduate, Larry Moyer, who challenged all of us with his own stories. He said every time he gets on an airplane he shares Jesus with the person next to him and almost every time they choose to give their life to Christ. Of course that lead us to wonder why we don’t always get a chance to lead people to Christ on an airplane. Are we just not as good as Larry at delivering the truth? Are we not as bold as Larry? In anticipation of our thoughts Larry went on to explain that people often ask these questions and his best answer is, “If God wants someone to hear the gospel do you think He’d have them sit next to you on a plane?” My answer was, no, not really. I usually sit there hoping I will not even have to talk to them at all. I still try to be more like Larry. Part of this can be captured in his web site, my favorite on Evangelism. Check it out at