Monday, April 03, 2006

The Restlife Ride

A wise man once said, “If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it every time.” Restoration Life is God’s Church and was called into existence this past year so that we could make God’s name known in the Heart of the City. Our aim is to “Go into the Community. Show them God is Alive. Grow them into Disciples.” Here’s how we plan on doing it.

Churches often struggle to get beyond their own four walls and into the community where they minister. Restoration Life is determined to take our message to where people live, work, play and rest. We are committed to Going and sharing in a language that people understand. The good news is worth taking to our community. Is it realistic to expect them to come to us? We need to be creative and assertive. Do you have an idea for how God might use you to reach the City? We need to fuel service groups, interest groups, care groups and community involvement. Are you involved with the unchurched in your community? If not, what would it take to get involved? Join a group or start a group, but by all means get connected with the community.

One of the greatest secrets in our world is that the God of the Bible is Alive and Well! God is actively rebuilding and restoring the lives of millions of people. Let’s share the good news. Jesus is the answer to hatred, poverty, violence, loneliness, materialism, stress and broken relationships. We know it’s true. Many of us have tasted of God’s goodness in our own lives and yet the world around us continues to think of our living God as an ancient myth. Let’s be the hands and feet and mouth of Jesus to our community. Some will never choose to believe, but it should be in spite of the fact that Jesus is clearly Alive, not because they have come to believe that He is powerless.

Restoration Life is ready to equip God’s People for Going and Showing. We offer Adult Education Classes, Small Groups, Yearly Spiritual Check-ups, missions opportunities and lively Worship Services. What’s your plan to grow spiritually this coming year? Are you planning on joining one of our Education Classes? Are you part of a Small Group? Have you joined a Mission Team to Mississippi? Are your kids growing through our Children’s or Youth Ministry? Pastor Marc Prescott will be meeting with many of you over the next year to develop personalized plans for your spiritual growth. One of the signs of growth is the desire to Go and Show.

Restoration Life is not just a Church, we’re a movement. Going, Showing and Growing only causes more Going, Showing and Growing. That’s what the Church was designed to do. By God’s grace, we have an opportunity to do it right here in the Heart of Sacramento. I look forward to celebrating your part in this movement on Sunday. This is God’s time. This is God’s place. You are God’s Choice. Enjoy the Ride!
