Monday, March 11, 2013

Day Twenty Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

You are who your friends are. Proverbs 22:24–25 Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul. (NLT) The old saying, "Birds of a feather, flock together," is a reflection of the truth found in Scripture and seen in everyday life. Who you spend your time with will change the way you see the world. Think of the two or three people you spend the most time with. What are their morals? How is their character? Do they show restraint or abandon? Are they pure of thought? Are they mean? Are they humble? These types of questions will flush-out what kind of person you are becoming. The degree to which you share your heart and soul with these people will determine the degree to which you are influenced by their character and values. It works both ways. You can spend time with people who will pull you up or drag you down. Choose your friends wisely. Don't settle. If you have a friend that's a bad influence, you may be able to still maintain some kind of friendship, just not at a close level.If you have other friends that are healthy influences, they will be able to help you figure out what a healthy amount of time and energy might look like with your friends who are not good influences.

Day Nineteen Forty Days of Focus: Relationships

"When we consider the blessings of God—the gifts that add beauty and joy to our lives, that enable us to keep going through stretches of boredom and even suffering—friendship is very near the top." —Donald W. McCullough, Mastering Personal Growth. Having and keeping good friends is easier said than done, but what it adds to our lives is more than worth the effort. Although parents and siblings can become good friends, it is important to have friends outside of the family unit as well. This will allow you to interact beyond the norms your family has long since lost awareness of and give room for a voice from outside to speak into your situation. A short definition of a friend: "Someone who will willingly carry your load and ask nothing in return, who will rejoice when you rejoice and mourn when you mourn, who is available when you need them and hangs around even when you don't."