40 Days of Purpose: Seven Deadlies Introduction

The 40 Days of Focus: Discovering and Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins is a church-wide campaign composed of four elements:
1. Small Group Discussion: Groups of 3 to 15 meet regularly for seven weeks to read, share and study a set curriculum. Small groups are the place where individuals can connect with others and gain strength, encouragement and wisdom from those in their small group.
If you wold like to veiw the Small Group Study Guide, choose the link on the right side of this page.
2. Reading: Along with this small group study guide you should participate in a daily devotional reading. Plan to spend 10 minutes each day, six days each week. Chapters include a daily verse, a teaching, questions to ponder and an application.
If you would like to view our Daily Reader Booklet, choose the link on the right side of this page.
If you would like to listen to weekly sermons click on the following link where you will find our Restlife home page and a link to podcasts: www.restlife.net
4. Fasting: This campaign overlaps the 40 days of Lent. In keeping with tradition we recommend that you give-up one food or pastime during this period that will remind you of your commitment to Grow and your desire to Overcome. Some common things you might fast from include: Bread, coffee, caffeine, meat, sugar, or TV.
Thank you for your interest in growing spiritually. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him.
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