Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 39 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism

Sustainable Plans

So, how many times have you decided you were going to turn over a new leaf, make a change or be a more faithful Christian? As the old saying goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” OK, so you are not going to hell, but you get the point. Good intentions are not the same as good deeds. Has the 40 Days of Focus on Evangelism changed your thinking? Are you willing to adopt a daily plan for evangelism? How will you sustain it? What makes you think you will not go back to your old lazy ways? The following are some keys to sustaining your commitment. If you follow these you have a good chance of success.

You must have something to remind you
Whether it’s brushing your teeth or tying your shoes, choose something you do every day and ask God to remind you during that activity to pray.

If you forget, who will know? Find one person or share with your small group. Decide how often they should ask you how your evangelism is going. Choose someone who is reliable.

Keep your own spiritual life fresh and exciting. Allow God to show you His might by stepping out in faith and taking risks. Stay in fellowship with the Church. A stale gospel is not likely to leave the shelf it sits on. The manna God gave the Israelites lasted only one day and the manna He gives you won’t last much longer.


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