Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 38 - 40 Days of Focus: Evangelism


What did we learn during our 40 Day Journey? We certainly covered a lot of ground. Sometimes we get lost when there’s too much to focus on so as we conclude the journey let’s remove as much as we can and focus on the highlights. When I use google maps I often find the close-up to be of little help until I have pulled back and recovered my bearings. So, let’s back up to an aerial view of Evangelism as we recap our journey.

Evangelism is a Lifestyle not an Event

Many of us don’t evangelize because we have a wrong view of what it means and this produces a fear of the unknown that keeps us paralyzed. We must change our thinking to unlock a new plan of evangelism.

STEP ONE: Pray daily by name for soft soil + opportunity +boldness (you may need a trigger to remind you).
STEP TWO: As you are going… share when God places the opportunity in front of you (there are not coincidences with God in charge).
STEP THREE: Demonstrate the Gospel with your actions not just words.
STEP FOUR: Always invite people to places where they can hear the truth.
STEP FIVE: Know how to explain the gospel to someone who is ready to receive it.

Most Christians never lead a single person to faith in Jesus Christ during their lifetime. If you will faithfully share Jesus according to the plan above you will have the amazing privilege of leading many people to Jesus in the years to come.


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