Day Ten Forty Day of Focus: Relationships
Scripture is clear that discipline is good, godly and right. God disciplines those He loves and has created the role of parent in a child's life for the purpose of disciplining the next generation. Other words that describe discipline are, "correction," "conformity," "wisdom," "training,"sanctification." Discipline creates character and character is the bridle that holds back the sin nature. So, how do we discipline? Every child is different. Good discipline means knowing your child and giving them correction in a way that will cause them to reconsider poor choices and make good choices until they learn how to self-correct. The human condition is such that it takes years to mature physically, emotionally and spiritually. Along this path, there must be parents who establish and hold boundaries. Otherwise, kids will self-indulge and miss the opportunity to learn the skill of self-correction which is part of good character. Time-outs, spankings, loss of privilege and loss of property are all good forms of punishment depending on the child's temperament. Learn what works with your child. If they enjoy alone time, sending them to their room might be more of a relief than a punishment. Some kids have favorite toys or activities they really value. Removing these is sure to get their attention. The key to good discipline is consistency, decisiveness and finding punishments that fit the crime.
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